With its 13 species of sea mammals, whale observation cruises by zodiac or by boat, breathtaking scenery, varied accommodations, charming cities and villages, delicious cuisine, unique local culture, and various discovery and exploration packages, this region is where you’ll enjoy the best whale experience in the world.

The world’s best whale experience

Indeed, there’s the vast, protected marine area where saltwater and freshwater merge to provide abundant food for 13 species of sea mammals. And yet, there are so many other attractive features that make this region of the St. Lawrence River the one destination where you can enjoy the best whale experience in the world: adventurous whale observation aboard a zodiac (or a more comfortable setting on a boat); stunning backdrops where sea and mountains meet; numerous discoveries and explorations in a region that is unique both in its nature and its culture; warm and welcoming people; varied accommodations; and, of course, an encounter with these majestic, unforgettable giants of the sea.

Plan your trip to see the whales

Several opportunities await those who wish to visit the region of Quebec before going to live the best whale experience in the world. Spend a few days in historic Quebec City before embarking on a journey that will take you to Tadoussac. Or, purchase a whale-watching cruise package with accommodation from Quebec city in the magnificent region of Charlevoix. And why not ferry across the river from Matane to Quebec City by way of Baie-Comeau, in the Côte-Nord region? Whatever option you choose, one thing is certain: you will enjoy a whale experience unlike any you could have imagined. Start planning your stay!

See the whales and the Côte-Nord region

Photo credit: Marc Loiselle

The Côte-Nord region epitomizes the definition of a memorable whale experience. The stunning, landscape borders a vast protected marine area where 13 species of sea mammals, attracted by an abundant food supply, make frequent appearances on the water's surface - much to the delight of thousands of visitors each year, who a bit spot them from the shore but especially on a boat. Add to that a variety of excursions, activities, accommodations and more, and get ready to discover a region where "spectacular" defines the whales, the scenery and, above all, the experience.

See the whales and Charlevoix

Photo credit: Catherine Dubé

Picture yourself aboard a comfortable Croisières AML boat, with exceptional views of the vast marine park where you can observe 13 species of sea mammals in a protected natural environment. Imagine that, in addition to your cruise, an affordable package lets you enjoy a pleasant overnight stay and a delicious breakfast in a beautiful accommodation. Add to this various exciting discoveries and sensations in a spectacular natural setting. What you get is an unforgettable whale experience that awaits you in the Charlevoix region.

See the whales and Saguenay–Lac-St-Jean

Photo credit: Sébastien St-Jean

To travel along the Route du Fjord, which connects the Saguenay to Lac-Saint-Jean, is to be constantly amazed by a unique landscape, where nature abruptly stops at the top of steep cliffs that emerge from the dark waters of the Saguenay River. These waters, which flow into the St. Lawrence River, are what a wide variety of marine mammals call home – magnificent creatures that can be observed both from the shore and on cruise boats. What else does the Route du Fjord have to offer? A series of charming cities and villages, delectable local cuisine, welcoming culture, cozy accommodations, and activities for every taste. In short, the best whale experience in the world!

Eco-friendly itineraries in Côte-Nord, Charlevoix, Bas-Saint-Laurent and Gaspésie

Photo credit: Catherine Dubé

Three itineraries, ranging from two to three weeks in length, are available for those wishing to explore the regions of Quebec that offer the best whale experience in the world. Each itinerary begins in magnificent Quebec City, and all are definitely eco-friendly. Whether heading to the Eastern Quebec region, Gaspésie or Minganie, each stop along the way puts respect for the environment front and centre. Of course, this responsible approach extends to the vast marine park, where 13 species of sea mammals live in a protected, natural environment. Sustainable tourism that fosters lasting memories.

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Photo credit: TQ - André Quenneville